WordPress, CMS(Content Management System) preferred by seo web writes? Intuitive, with many possible optimizations thanks to a pletora of widgets, it is an understatement to say that wordpress is a star of widget, it is an uderstatement to say that wordpress is a star of the web editorial.
So how do you optimize your wordpress articles for SEO? Semantic study, writing, information structuring and conversions: Become a specialist in seo optimiztion of wordpress articles! I suggest you discover without futher delay how to improve your seo on wordpress.
Choice of keywords: No content optimization without semantic study
Any SEO expert has heard this phrase at least once: "I have optized the artices on my wordpress site for seo". To which any seo specialist will( in theory) have answered: "Okay, but on which keywords?".
because yes: before talking about any SEO optimization for wordpress. Whether technical or editorial, it is important to identify the right keywords on which you want to see google push your content. But deciding which keyword you are going to work in your article is far from easy.
- Search volume
- Presence and strength of competitors
- Sea presence.
- Featured snippists.
Many parameters come into account when choosing one keyword over another.
Thanks to the SeoQuantum tool, you can easily carry out your editorial strategy and can thus optize the seo of your wordpress articles thanks to artificial intelligence.
Good to know: 1 page = 1 keyword and it's derivatives. Measure your ROI by identifying a target keyword. Writing an SEO optimized article, and then tracking the evulution of your wordpress site's positions every week.
Structural SEO optimization thanks to the right wordpress plugins!
A Popular idea among wordpress users? The famous Yoast plugin alone would improve the SEO performance of content published on wordpress.
In absolute:
- Whether in free or paid version, Yoast will in no way assure you of a better presence in the results of Google:
- But it is a (Very practical) Tool to help you quickly optimize many SEO prerequisites ( Meta Title and Description tags, Arians feed, robots.txt. sitemap...)
Even though Yoast is the most download SEO plugin, other plugins are very useful for your SEO on wordpress. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the other most popular plugins in 2021:
- Rank Math Seo: This tool is very popular for its simple configuration fuctions, the intergration of rich snippets and Google tools (analytics and search console). It also allows precise traking of keywords.
- All in One Seo Pack: More or less equivalent to Yoast this extension is useful for avoiding duplicate content and informing search enginess of updates to your content
- Seo press: Good support for your SEO on Wordpress, you can in Particular take advantage of the dynamic functions for writing your metadata and perfectly adapt your wordpress articles for postin on the various social networks.
- WP Rocket: Improve the loading speedd of your wordpress thanks to the compression and caching functions.
- Redirection: As the name suggests, this plugin allows you to manege your 301 redirects and monitor your 404 errors;
- Broken Link Checker: By adding this SEO plugin to your wordpress, you will be informed in real time if a link no longer works (URL and media).
- Really Simple SSL: If your wordpress site is no yet in HTTps, this extension will allow you to make the modification in a few clicks.
- Wp backlinks: Allows you to track and control all your backlinks directly from your wordpress dashboard.
Where this type of plugin is particularly interesting for seo on wordpress and seo optimization of content. Is fact in its management of meta tags and many structural elements.
Optimize your meta Title and Descriptions
Lecated in the HTML header of the page (between <head> and </head>) the meta Title and descriptions tags key elements of seo editorial optimization on wordpress and more generally of any website.
The title has a very strong seo impact, because:
- The words present in this tag specify to Google the subject mainly treated.
- It is he who will inform the user about the content of the page and make him want to click.
- You have about 70 signs ( chacracters and spaces included) To place your keyword and make the internet user want to visit your site.
Update to the displa of the title tag in the Google Serp: In august 2021, google confirmed that it had implementd a feature that modifies that title tags i the snippets displayed on the results pages. However, this does not seem to diminish the seo importance of this attribute. According to comments made by John Mueller (webmaster trend analyst at Google). This action was taken in order to offer more descriptive titles to internet users and to fight against over - optimization.. Continuing to optimize the title tag therefore always seems to be relevant to improve organic SEO.
Even if it does not have a direct impact on seo the description is also not to be neglected, because:
- It's a real call to click: You have around 200 signs to describe the content of or page in more detail
- It is element of reassurance to confirm to the internet user that your site will provide him with a better respone than the competition.
Here again, a plugin in the vein oof Yoast proves to be a precious help for the optimization of these seo elements on wordpress.
This type of plugin will allow you t configure the writing of your title tag of your title tag or on the contrary to customize it by hand. We cannot recommend you enough to mix the two possibilities!
You can very well choose to automatically configure your title tags according to the variable snippet inserts available such as:
- The title of the article (your title <h1>)
- The category of the article
- Site title
- Element separators(dash, pripe. etc...)
Agood tip would be to set your Title tag as the default as follows:
Title separator site title
However, it is advisable to personalize the title to save as many characters as possible in the serps, and beter address your target.
[Custom title] Separator site title
For the meta decription., however, it is very difficult to imgine any automatic seo optimization on wordpress.
If industrialization is possibly possible on an online store with a lot of articles, we will never recommend to automate in this way the meta descriptions of an e-commerce site and even less of a blog article.
Once again, you have around 200 signs to convince the internet user to come and visit your wordpress optized site. So try to write the best catchphrase possible. A good trip tip for an effective description is to split it in two:
- A first sentence which reformulates the Internet user's request in interrogative form.
- A second sentence that convinces the internet user of the relevance of your site to respond to his request.
- A second sentence that convinces the Internet user of the relevance of your site to respond to his request.
Here are our resources to learn more about META tag optimizations:
Optimize your URLs and permalinks
Also commonly known as an "address", the url is the identifier of your page. It must translate the tree structure of the content and integrate the terms that identify the theme of each page.
The word " permalik" comes from the linguistic contraction of the words permanent and link. A permalink is the initial URL of a post or post or page. It is intended not to move in time. In SEO, recommed permalinks:
- Written only with lowercase letters
- Without accents or special characters
- To words separated by dashes
- Which proscribe meaningless terms (for example articles).
- Without any extension(html, .php and others).
To do a good seo of your wordpress post, you can think off this highly strategic element like following your domain name, namely for a well seo optimized blog:
- The name of your blog space
The category of the article
Possibly a sub - category
The URL of the content.
By default, the permalink formats offered by wordpress for articles are not seo friendly, it is indeed not uncomon to find URLs of this type on wordpress sites:
For the editorial optimization of your wordrpress site. we can therefore only advise you to adopt a personalized structed using thee right labels as in the example below:
Taxonomy: the label trap for your artices
Beyond your themes, you might be templed by the use of tags, called labels on wordpress.
The creation of cateories like tags must impereatively be based on your seo semantic study. Grouping the keywords of this study into thematic will help you define these categories and tags while keeping in mind:
- That an article will remain directly attached to the category by its perlink, in order to avoid any duplication of content.
- That an artice can be accessed from all the tags assignd to it.
From a wordpress articele, choose the category of the article then it's associated pre - recorded tag (s).
It is not uncommon to find a multitude of unnecessary labels on wordpress sites. They interface with the user's browsing and the crawl budget, that is to say the time that google will allocate you to explore your site.
Each tag created must be based on semantic opportunities identified in your keyword study. It is therefore advisable to prohibit the creation of labels from the wordpress article itself otherwise your contributors will shower you with trash tags.
Example of garbege tags: hair, hair hair
Pre-select and optimize your tags pages. Don't let a contributor define their own laebels.
Write in wordpress in an seo friendly way.
Seo optimization on wordPress and on the web is based on three fundamental pillars:
- A reliable technical base (mobile first site, clean code, low loading time, etc.)
- A popularity which makes it a refrence content (The number and quality of internal and external links to the site).
Among these 3 pillars, wordpress is more the friend of content than of technique or popularity. Indeed, the wordpress text editor - very similar to microsoft word - makes it the friend of bloggers, columnists and seo web editors. It is therefore a practical tool to adapt to the constrains of google's algorithm.
You will find at the top of your writing page a list of tools similar to those found in word. Little tip: When you add a to your text, your can access the "Open in a new tab". Option by clicking on the controller corresponding to the settings. This will allow your reader to stay on your page before going for additional information elssewhere. This option is therefore essential when you offer a link poiting to an external site.
It is not a question of going over the tips of quality web writing , but once all these structural aspects of WordPress have been mastered, it is the content that will be your first passport to the start of an organic presence.
Good to know: A study from Backlinkeo found that Google first page results averaged 1,447 words (for a given sample of queries). No need for 2000 words on all your articles! Take it step by step, measure your ROI and adapt to the competition.
Take care of the top of your page
Once of the most important prerequisites during seo optimization on wordpress or any other CMS, is to take care of the beginning of its content
- Part of the most important content for the internet user,, it will make him (or not!) want to consume the rest of the page.
- Part of the most important content for Google, It will analyze keyword density and mesh.
We recommend that you insert 1 to 2 links to related pages in the first 150 to 300 words, taking care to
optimize the anchors.
Think "Mobile First"
Optimizing the top of its content in particuar is completely part of a mobile first strategy. All the complexity of current seo lies in the combination of very dense content with the users related to your smartphone.
Whether in mobille or desktop version, Internet users do not consume web content in its entirety. We are talking about only 20% of web content that would be read in full on mobile. And for good reason, it is indeed the video which is the first content consumed on this medium, logical both the scroll and the screen format make reading complex.
The most glaring observation is that internet users do not read the web word for word: the browse the pages in search of terms and phrased that seem particularly important to them.
This is more commonly called spotting reading: on wordpress as elsewhre, the user will focus on titles, words in bold, images and any other significant element likely to capture his interest.
A good optimization of a wordpress article will therefore consist in taking these users into account and adapting your writing style accordingly. And in particular to use microcontents.
The importance of microcontents.
it is because the prioritization and valuation of information are essential that special attention must be paid to microcontents: titles, links, section titles etc.
- Except in special cases,, your wordpress theme will display your article title between <h1> tags.
- It's up to you to mark up <h2> each of the paragraph titles.
- Each heading must be marked <h3>
The SEO optimization of your titles on wordpress will go through this structuring and the addition of the keyword or expressions taken from its semantic field. Avoid any over - optimization, think of the internet user who will read these titles to find their way around.
Addng a title <h2> on an article paragraph
The content subject to specific formatting (box bulleted lists) attracts the user's attention. They are also higly recommended elements to aim for a zero postition.
Bulleted lists are added to wordpress via the famous button already known to users of the office suite. The most seasoned will be able to add the <ul> <li> tags by hand.
Optimize your wordpress content with video
So, how do you best combine these UX and SEO issues? How to optimize your wordpress content for seo while quickly passsing information to the internet user? Video is definitely one of the best answers.
Wordpress makes it easy for less seasoned web editors to post video media, whether it's through uploading video to your media lirbrary or using dedicated shortcodes.
A wordpress "Shortcode" is a small piece of code in square brackets that allows any internet user to display products, videos and many other elements in an article.
Adding a video to the top of your wordpess seo optimized content has several advantages:
- You summarize your textual content and convery the main information by puting aside the constraints related to natural referencing.
- You push your CTAs and various conversion elements much higher on your page.
- You may participate in a 360 seo strategy embedding your Youtube videos on your wordpress site. It is a win - win strategy.
All these SEO and Ux editoral optimizations of your pages ultimately have only one goal: conversion.
Focusing on which keyword opportunities to work cannot be based on statistical data alone. You must never lose sight of conversions, that is to say the result of the actions you have carried out with target. In other words, Never lose sight of the profitability of SEO marketing actions.
A good SEO optimization of an article on wordpress must end with a conversion. Depending on your type of site, this conversion will be for example:
- Reading other content
- Subscribe to a newsletter.
-Subscription to an offer
- Make an appointment.
- Buy a product on your online store.
Adding product shortcodes on woocomerce, for example, allows you to promote the products of your store form blog article. Placed at the top of
the content, they allow seo performance to take on its full meaning:
- The user types a request on Google
-He clicks on the content of you SEO optimized wordpress site.
- It reads the beginning of this content, takes the main information.
- He clicks on a product related to his request.
© Example of adding a product shortcode to an article
Apart from the content, also make sure that the theme you have chosen is well suited to the requirements of SEO. Here is a list of criteria to consider in order to choose the best SEO WordPress theme :
- recent update;
- significant number of downloads;
- adaptation to display on mobile versions;
- light ;
- number and quality of reviews.
As there are thousands of templates on WordPress, I offer a list of SEO-friendly themes below:
- Avada
- Astral
- Blogging
- Divi
- Extra
- MyBlog
- Neve
- Newsmag
- SEO Crawler
- TheGem
- TruePixel
- Writer
- Yosemite
WooCommerce is the extension you use if you want to create an online store on wordpress. To improve the SEO of your site, you must first perform all the SEO optimizations disclosed earlier in this article. In addition, here are some Specific típ to boost the seo of your e-commerce on wordpress.
1. Increase the number of products per page: the 12 basic products displayed on each page prevent the internet user (and mainly the mobily user) from being able to comfortably browse your store. To change this setting. All you need to do is go to the woocomerce product catalog and change the number of núm per page.
2. Wirte detailed descriptions for each product: draw inspiration from your competition and sales sites like Amazon to write better content than your competition.
3. Takes care of the images and offer product videos: The quality of the images is essential to successfully conerting your prospects. In addition, a video describing in detail the look and use of your products is a big plus for a successful sale.
4. Allow user rating and reviews: Transparency is important for the user experience, and therefore for SEO. Allowing your customers to rate their purchase and give their opinion is there a point that should not be overlooked.
5. Constantly update information: If a product is temporarily out of stock, consider making a temporary redirect (301). If the product is definitively out of stock, deindex the page!
ROI, UX and Mobile First are the 3 keys to SEO optimization of your content on WordPress. Before adding any plugin and starting to write, it is necessary to identify the keywords that will generate traffic and conversions. You will then optimize your articles to have a good SEO for your WordPress site .
It's the combination of these two kpi, paired with expert SEO copywriting (use the SEOQuantum optimization tool to create better content than your competitors) and smart page structuring that will guarantee you a good return on your investment.
And if you have read this entire article dedicated to SEO and WordPress, it is because you are giving the lie to the statistics on reading web content. You should be congratulated!